Accountant Job Description (Duties, Skills, Salary, Certifications & More)

By Jeff Gillis The accounting profession has been around a long time, essentially getting its footing in the United States in 1887. That’s more than 130 years ago. That makes it older than Mount Rushmore, if you can believe it. In a way, being an accountant means joining a landmark profession. It really is a…
Business Analyst Job Description (Duties, Skills, Salary, Certifications & More)

By Jeff Gillis Thanks to the rise of Big Data, a plethora of analytical jobs sprang into being. Among them is the business analyst. While the job title makes the role seem pretty self-explanatory, it really isn’t. The business analyst job description is much more involved. Sure, these professionals do analyze company operations, that’s true.…
Medical Assistant Job Description (Skills, Duties, Salary, Certification & More)

By Jeff Gillis If you have ever worked as a medical assistant you know how many different hats you need to be able to put on at a moment’s notice. One second you’re answering the phone scheduling appointments, the next you’re explaining an upcoming procedure to a patient! Medical assistants can be found working in…
Project Manager Job Description (Duties, Salary, Skills, Certifications & More)

By Mike Simpson I don’t know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind when I think about a Project Manager is… Anthony Gatto. Wait, who? Oh, you’re not familiar with the world-famous, multi-Guinness Book of World Record-holding juggler? Among other things, Gatto juggled 9 balls at once for 55 seconds… 9 balls!…
What To Do When You Get Laid Off

By Jeff Gillis They say there are two constants in life… death and taxes. Unfortunately, in today’s job market, with large corporations acquiring smaller ones right and left and the general overall nature of business, we need to add a third constant…getting laid off. Ugh. Now before you retreat to your cocoon of comfort, hiding…
34 Top Analytical Skills For Job Seekers

By Jeff Gillis Odds are, if you’ve looked through the job listings lately, you’ll have come across numerous hiring managers looking for individuals who possess analytical skills. But what exactly are analytical skills? What are Analytical Skills? Analytical skill is the ability for an individual to solve complex issues by gathering and then analyzing the…
Top 55 Leadership Skills For Job Seekers

By Jeff Gillis Think back to a boss you had that you didn’t like. What was it about them that bothered you? What leadership skills were they lacking? Did they ignore your suggestions? Did they task you with more work than was fair or right? Did they minimize your contributions and take the glory for…
Top 50 Soft Skills for Job Seekers

By Jeff Gillis When you fill out a job application or write your resume, odds are you’re usually focusing on the hard skills you possess, but in many instances, employers are also looking for candidates who possess soft skills as well. But hang on, what are hard skills? And for that matter, what are soft…
14 Good Jobs For Teens

By Jeff Gillis You are sixteen and the world is your oyster. Options abound! For all too many teenagers, following the crowd is a top priority. These kids hang out in fields, arcades, or parties. They tip over defenseless cows, post endless sagas about their high scores on social media, or swoon over a latest…
How To Write A Two Weeks Notice Letter (Sample Template Included)

By Jeff Gillis A job offer is often accompanied by a giddy moment of exhilaration – they chose you! Of all the applicants, your star burned the brightest and has been plucked from its relatively lowly heights to take its rightful place much higher in the sky of this new company. Pull out your disco…