Copy Our Exact Proven Method That Gets People Jobs With Our Interview "Cheat Sheet"

In this article, leading job interview experts Jeff & Mike “The Interview Guys” reveal their EXACT job getting method in their "Job Interview Road Map". (It's like having a "Crib Sheet" of all THE most critical things you MUST know before setting foot in the interview room...)

"Get everything you need to get a job offer from your next interview - all on one simple, brain-dead easy cheat-sheet"

January 18, 2025

Dear Job Seeker,

Have you ever had an interview you thought you absolutely NAILED, only to basically wait by the phone for a couple days for the call that never comes?

Have you ever gone the extra mile and spent time practicing your answers to interview questions and researching the company online only to fall completely flat on your face in the interview?

And have you ever walked into the room brimming with confidence only to have your hopes crushed as you melt into a puddle of nerves right in front of the hiring manager?

Or do you simply feel like you just plain STINK at interviewing?

The fact is, 96% of job seekers fail to get a job offer because they make one of three crucial job interview mistakes:

  1. Relying on Google as a quick-fix for questions and answers
  2. Not "tailoring" their interview to the company they're interviewing with
  3. Answering behavioral questions incorrectly

Here's the thing...

Most people do all the hard work of getting the interview and then blow it in the first 5 minutes because they end up getting tongue tied, nervous or wind up stepping into one of the DOZENS of interview TRAPS laid out by the hiring manager...

If you feel like you've ever been in that situation, I totally understand!  I've been there 🙁

The fact is, It’s not your fault...

Your high school, college or university never taught you how to properly prepare for a job interview, so you were left to fend for yourself.

So what did you do?

What everyone else in your shoes does - jump on the Internet and dig around for whatever tidbits of info you could find.

Here’s the problem.

As useful a tool as it is, the Internet is filled with 90% garbage.

So you end up shooting yourself in the foot before you even know it...

It baffles me that schools still don't take it upon themselves to teach their students the incredibly crucial skill of job interviewing!

Pffeeww....Sorry bout my mini rant... 🙂

Anyway, no need to worry because the Interview Guys are here to help...

We wanted to make it as BRAIN-DEAD easy as possible for our students to get a job offer from their next interview -

  • WITHOUT the hassle of searching around online for questions and answers (that probably aren't even correct in the first place and CERTAINLY aren't customized to the most important person - YOU)
  • WITHOUT having to waste hours upon end trying to figure out how to answer those tricky behavioral questions that we all dislike so much
  • And definitely WITHOUT being completely stressed out about that moment when your nerves grab hold of you and completely sink your chances of walking out of the interview room with a job offer in your back pocket.

So we created a virtual "Road Map" that would give you a clear and concise path that would take you from being unprepared to being absolutely rock solid BEYOND prepared...all in one easy to digest "cheat sheet"...


Jeff & Mike's Job Interview Road Map

Now, you could go out combing through dubious websites and read up on dozens of books, trying to navigate through a ton of information, a lot of which might not even be right (and can oftentimes actually get you eliminated from contention with one wrong tidbit of advice)…


You can just have an "Cheat Sheet" at your fingertips that contains everything you need to ensure you get a job offer from your interview.


No clutter or confusion... Everything you need to know, all laid out in easy to follow steps...

"Guys, you couldn't possibly fit EVERYTHING I need to know for my job interview on ONE sheet...?"

companion-guide-cover-small…which we’ll admit is somewhat true. There’s a lot of stuff that goes into a job interview and to say that we could fit it all on one sheet would mean we either used 2 pt font or that we left a whole bunch of stuff out!

So while the font still might be a little small, in order to make sure you could still read what was on the sheet while keeping you 100% covered, what we’ve done is summarized everything you need to know into a quick-reference format, and paired it with our Companion Guide, which is jammed full of the extra details that we couldn’t fit on the one sheet and basically acts as your job interview guide book.

When used in tandem, the Road Map and its Companion Guide will make it infinitely faster, easier and completely stress-free to get ready for your job interview…

And MOST importantly, will be the advantage you need to get a job offer from your next

While the other candidates are panicking and sweating through their shirt in the interview room because they spent their preparation time totally unfocused, without any direction and studying a bunch of suspect info from the internet, you'll be calm and collected, answering the hiring manager's questions with ease and showing them that you are their "Perfect Candidate".

Here’s the deal...

By following the 9 step process we outline in the Road Map you will know EXACTLY how to present yourself as the perfect fit for the position you're interviewing for.
(Remember, companies are interested in WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THEM. The Road Map teaches you exactly how to tap into that desire...)

Here is a little bit of what you’ll discover in your Job Interview Road Map:

check-mark-greenLaser focused, 9 step process that guides you step-by-step through the interview process from start to finish. (Hit the ground running and know EXACTLY what to prepare and in EXACTLY what order)

check-mark-greenOur Job Description trick that uncovers hidden clues to your company's Perfect Candidate so that you can present yourself as their perfect fit

check-mark-greenOur "go to" company research process that almost FORCES the hiring manager to see you as a member of the team...before you even have the job!

check-mark-greenThe top 5 "Traditional" interview questions you MUST be prepared for, the top 3 Behavioral questions you NEED to be able to answer with ease and 3 "word-for-word" questions you can ask the interviewer that positions yourself as a unique candidate that doesn't follow the herd

check-mark-greenHow to quash your interview nerves so you'll be cool, calm and collected in the interview room. (Leave the sweat stained shirts and the clammy hands to your competitors!)

check-mark-greenBONUS - Companion guide to the Road Map. This handy PDF expands and digs deeper into each step of the road map. (For those who want a more comprehensive breakdown of each section of the map)

check-mark-greenPLUS - Our 3-Step Method fully explained... Step by step, how to track down your Qualities and Multipliers and how to use them to supercharge your interview answers. (This is the cutting edge method your competitors won't be using, the unfair advantage that will literally leave them in the dust)


Don’t let the fact that the Road Map is only one PDF fool you!

This represents hundreds of hours of knowledge condensed down into easy to follow steps so that you can get off on the right foot as fast as possible.

Why did we create the Job Interview Road Map?

It was actually born from requests made from our students, a lot of whom would love one on one coaching but for who the price is too far out of reach. They wanted to use the EXACT plan we used to prepare for our interviews...

We also get hundreds of questions sent to us every day through our youtube channel, blog and membership site.

We do our best to answer them but sometimes it can be hard to keep up with everything... So we wanted to create something  for prospective students that would break down the plan that has been responsible for so much of our interview success.

Normally this job interview road map sells for $17, but for a very limited time we’ll let you have instant access to it for just $7.

Yep, just $7...

Literally, you can grab a cup of Starbucks coffee or you can:

  • Get 100s of hours of the Interview Guys knowledge and expertise condensed down into one simple to follow, step-by-step cheat sheet
  • Have a rock solid plan in place that you can follow as soon as you get the interview. (Most people get their interview and then stumble around, unfocused and wind up being completely unprepared because they don't have a preparation "process" to follow)
  • Take all of the Interview Guys' expertise with you. Print it out or upload it as a PDF to your phone or tablet so that you can be preparing anywhere you want...(even in the waiting room minutes before your interview!)

Why is it just $7?

If you’re thinking “$7 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

  • $7 puts the Interview Road Map within reach of the vast majority of our students. It’s not too expensive for those people who are out of work, just getting out of school, or simply just don’t have the cash to spend.
  • Anyone who is not serious enough about getting a job to invest $7 into the Job Interview Road Map isn’t going to take the time to use the methods we lay out anyway
  • It weeds out the people who are only coming here looking for a freebie! We only want people who are serious about getting a job offer from their next interview, and in our experience, simply charging anything (even if it’s just a buck), gets rid of 99% of the “freebie seekers”

We also just want real, dedicated hard working students that we can bring into the Interview Guys family and join our army of top job seekers and career experts!

That’s it.

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

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'Jeff & Mike’s Insane' 60 Day Guarantee

The best part about the job interview road map is that it is 100% guaranteed. That’s how much we believe in it. In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back.

We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back.

It’s as simple as that!

Now, the choice is yours…

You can go into your interview and try and “wing it” and hope that you don’t fall into one of the traps intentionally set by the hiring manager, or you can try something new.  Click the “Add To Cart” button now to get started.

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So in order to receive this special limited bonus and lock in the super low introductory price you should go ahead and hit the "add to cart button" now...

We’ll Only Sell 200 Copies at this price. We can’t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.

Not only will the 200 Prospective Student Memberships go quickly, but for the next 300 units we will be lifting the price point to $17. And finally, once the first 500 memberships are gone the Job Interview Road Map will retail for $27.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still sitting on the fence? Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions…

Q: How is the Road Map Delivered?

The Job Interview Road Map is delivered in PDF format so that you can download it to your cell phone or iPad. This way you can practice and check out your "cheat sheet" all the way till minutes before your interview and make sure you're rock solid right before you go in!

The Road Map along with the bonus workbook and the bonus Interactive Audio Mock Interview will be delivered via our membership site. As soon as you make your purchase we will send you an email that contains your login information. Then you'll have immediate access to the Road Map and your Bonuses.


Q: What Does the "Companion Guide" Contain?

  • Acts like a "legend" for your Road Map.  Its where we elaborate in depth on each step of the 9-Step process. It basically fleshes out each step so you'll never have any doubts as what exactly you should do..
  • Whereas the Road Map is like your "Google Maps" your Companion Guide is like your Wikipedia. Put them together...and you're the Christopher Columbus of job interviews! 😉


Q: Why $7?

We will be selling this Job Interview Road Map for $17-$27 in the near future but if you're on this page then the introductory "prospective student" price is still active. We want to offer this great price to prospective students who are serious about their interview preparation.

We aren't giving it away because we find that charging a small fee gets rid of 99% of the "fly by night" freebie seekers who can end up taking up communication time away from our other more serious students.


Q: How Long Will It Take To Get The Road Map?

You will get the Road Map (and the bonuses) delivered to you via our membership site. You will be sent an email with your own login details. You will then be able to follow the link in the email to login and access the member's area where everything will be waiting for you!

Hurry…this special $7 offer won’t last!!

Order now and get:

  • Laser focused 9 Step Process laid out in an easy to follow visual road map so you can learn "at a glance" everything (and in the right order) that will make you unbeatable in the interview room (plus you're getting the bonus companion guide AND if you order today our super popular audio mock interview)
  • Download in PDF format to your cell phone or ipad so you can prepare and make sure you're ready right up until minutes before your interview!
  • Includes: How to "mine" the job description, tricks on company research that will turn you into their "Perfect Candidate", top questions you'll be asked (with example answers), killer questions to ask the interviewer and a TON more...
  • 60-day money back guarantee. No matter the reason.

…all for just $17 $7. (Save 58%!!) Click the “Add To Cart” button for INSTANT ACCESS!

