Mike Simpson
Mike Simpson is one of the most well-respected job interview experts in North America. His skillset includes job searching, job interview skills, resume and cover letter writing, personal branding, and website building for job seekers.
Having completed a Bachelors Degree in Human Resources and Economics from Bishops University (well known for its business program), you would think that Mike learned tools necessary for nailing any job interview he went on.
But he soon discovered that the modern job interview had changed beyond what universities were teaching, and he set out to develop a method that the modern job seeker could use to master the job interview process.
Once he had perfected the method, Mike (along with his friend Jeff Gillis) created TheInterviewGuys.com, and he has spent the last 5 years using the platform to help teach students of all socioeconomic backgrounds, industries, and experience levels. Through a series of blog articles and downloadable content, Mike has helped nearly two million students improve their job interview, resume and cover letter skills.
Mike has also been very successful as an author. His 2014 report, How to Give Perfect Interview Answers Every Time, has been downloaded over one million times. His first book (co-written with his partner Jeff Gillis), the Interview Master Guide, has sold over 50,000 copies without the help of a distributor.
He has been referenced by many well-respected institutions, including Kansas State University, the University of Michigan, Wellesley College, the University of Toronto, McGill University, the Home School Legal Defense Association. He’s also been featured by many notable online publications, including resume.com, inc.com and lifehacker.com.
Mike is a member of the International Association of Professional Career Coaches.