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Yes! I want to save 64% AND get a job offer from my very next interview…
WARNING: We’ll be raising the price back to $47 VERY soon… so get your copy NOW!

HURRY! Order the Interview Master Guide at the Special Discounted "Youtube Fan" Price Now!!!
Order Now and You'll Get INSTANT Access to:
- Over 110 of the most common and toughest interview questions, the result of Mike’s 11-months of research into the job interview process
- Each question laid out in a quick-reference, bulleted format that will allow you to focus on the most important stuff so you can hit the ground running and get prepared as quickly as possible (even if your interview is coming up fast)…
- Answers to over 50 of the most common and difficult traditional questions that you are almost guaranteed to be asked (these are the foundation questions that you absolutely MUST know how to answer)
- Answers to over 50 behavioral questions so that you can plug and play your own experiences to make perfect interview answers
- An in-depth discussion for each question that reveals EXACTLY what the hiring manager is looking for so that you are able to give them EXACTLY what they want
- Our “Hiring Manager Certified” Top 10 “Questions to Ask the Interviewer” (use these game-changers to turn the table in your favor)
- Nerve-coaching from the Interview Guys that will blast your uneasy feelings so that you can be laser-focused and confident when you land in the hot seat
- The Interview Guys’ world-famous 3-step Tailoring Method so that your entire interview is customized and tailored to the company you are interviewing with (this will make the Hiring Manager see you in the role before you’re even hired!)
Yes! I want to save 64% AND get a job offer from my very next interview…
WARNING: We’ll be raising the price back to $47 VERY soon… so get your copy NOW!