By Jeff Gillis
Cryptocurrency has been making headlines for years, and not just when it comes to changes in value. Digital currency has a lot of potential, and so do the technologies behind it. So, it isn’t a surprise that interest in crypto skills is on the rise.
Many companies want to leverage cryptocurrency and associated technologies – particularly blockchain and smart contracts – to their advantage. How can they pull that off? By hiring professionals with the right cryptocurrency skills.
If you want to be part of the new wave of professionals that take crypto to the next level, here’s what you need to know.
What Are Crypto Skills?
Alright, before we dig into the top ten crypto skills for your resume, let’s talk about what cryptocurrency skills are in the first place.
First, we have to dive into the difference between crypto and blockchain skills. Many people use the terms interchangeably, and it makes sense why. After all, blockchain emerged because of Bitcoin, so there’s a clear association.
The thing is, the terms don’t actually refer to the same thing. Blockchain isn’t a cryptocurrency in and of itself. Instead, it’s a recordkeeping technology that often serves as a foundation for ledgers associated with a cryptocurrency. As a result, blockchain know-how actually falls into the broader category of cryptocurrency skills.
Okay, now that is out of the way, let’s talk about what crypto skills are. In a general sense, any capability that allows someone to work in the larger cryptocurrency landscape can qualify. That includes hard skills that let them design new coins or platforms for trading, as well as marketing, sales, and customer management abilities. Even legal expertise can be a crypto skill, particularly when it comes to compliance.
Essentially, if it’s a capability that lets you work in crypto, it counts. Yes, it’s actually that simple.
How Are Crypto Skills Relevant to a Crypto Job Search?
As with all job searches, relevancy is the key to success. If you’re trying to land a crypto job, then you’ll need to have and highlight capabilities that align with the role.
Which crypto skills are relevant to your job search can vary. Companies have different expectations depending on the kind of position you’re trying to land.
For example, if you’re focusing on cryptocurrency development or blockchain engineering, programming-related skills are essential. However, if you’d rather focus on sales or marketing, coding isn’t a critical part of the equation.
What’s the same regardless is the need to show your cryptocurrency skills off. This includes adding the right keywords to your resume and cover letter, as well as preparing interview answers that align with the needs of the role.
Expressing your enthusiasm for crypto is also essential. You’ll get a lot further if your cover letter and interview answers demonstrate your passion for digital currency, including where it sits today and where it might go in the future. That way, you’ll come across as a fan of the industry, helping you stand out.
How to Highlight Crypto Skills for a Job Search
Highlighting cryptocurrency skills during your job search is pretty simple. As with any other kind of job-related capability, it’s all about coverage.
Ideally, you want to make sure that any must-have capabilities in the required skills list are mentioned during every part of the process. Incorporate them into the skills section of your resume, and choose achievements for your work history that showcase those capabilities. Then, make sure a few of the skills at the top of the required list are in your cover letter, too.
As you prepare for the interview, you also want to use examples that draw attention to those capabilities. By using examples, you’re showing the hiring manager how you put those skills to work, making your answer more appealing.
How do you pick the right crypto skills to showcase? By using the Tailoring Method, of course!
With the Tailoring Method, you focus on relevancy. It ensures you’re highlighting skills that matter to that specific role and hiring manager. That way, you’ll look like a strong match for the job, increasing the odds that you’ll advance through the hiring process.
How to Develop Crypto Skills If You Don’t Have Them
If you don’t have crypto skills, figuring out how to get them might seem challenging at first. After all, there aren’t a ton of schools offering degrees in cryptocurrency, so getting a Bachelor’s or Master’s focused on it specifically isn’t particularly practical for most people.
Fortunately, there are alternative options. If you’re looking at the technical side of the industry, then self-study, online courses, or bootcamps focused on the underlying technologies and programming languages could be your best bet.
For non-tech jobs in crypto, you’d use the same approach as you would if you were looking for a similar role in another industry. For instance, if you want to focus on crypto marketing, you could get a degree in marketing to get the ball rolling.
If you’re in a role that has some crossover with the crypto job you want, you could also sign up for projects that use the associated skills. Similarly, volunteering can be a great way to get new skills.
List of Crypto Skills
Now is the moment you’ve been waiting for: the list of cryptocurrency skills. If you’re interested in taking your career in this direction, these capabilities can make it easier. However, you may not need them all to get headed in the right direction.
Some of the skills below are broadly beneficial for anyone wanting to work in crypto. However, others are a bit more niche or situation-specific. Since that’s the case, you’ll want to consider the type of role you’d like to land. That way, you can choose capabilities that align with your career vision.
Here is a look at the top ten crypto skills for your resume.
1. Blockchain
When it comes to the quintessential cryptocurrency skills, blockchain easily qualifies. It’s the foundation of Bitcoin and many altcoins, so having a thorough understanding of blockchain architecture and protocol is essential if you’re stepping into the crypto space.
Often, there are supplemental skills that can also fall under this umbrella. For example, cryptography skills are part of the broader blockchain capabilities conversation, making it a wise thing to acquire.
2. Solidity
Solidity is a relatively new object-oriented programming language. Its main application is in the creation of smart contracts, something that’s increasingly prevalent in the crypto space, particularly when it comes to Ethereum. For instance, Ethereum decentralized applications (dApps) rely on Solidity, as well as blockchain for data storage.
Since Solidity is newer, not many professionals have any direct experience with it. By honing this skill, it can help you stand apart from other candidates, as well as tap into lucrative opportunities.
3. Haskell
Another critical capability for the smart contracts part of the crypto skills equation is Haskell. While Haskell is a general-purpose programming language, it’s widely used in the cryptocurrency space.
One key reason that the language is so popular in this context is that Haskell focuses on “safety.” There are safeguards that ensure certain types of errors can’t happen, making it a solid choice when you’re dealing with financial matters.
4. Security
It shouldn’t be a surprise that one of the key blockchain skills you’ll want if you plan to have a career in crypto is security. By and large, blockchain is used for financial purposes, as well as contracting. Since accuracy and integrity are critical on both fronts, employers want candidates who aren’t just security-oriented but highly savvy.
While this also taps on cryptography, it goes further, too. An understanding of security architecture is paramount, for instance, as well as system maintenance and defense.
5. Data Analytics
With blockchain, transparency is a big part of the game. As a result, companies look for candidates who can take the available data and find meaning in the details.
That’s why data analytics is one of the crucial cryptocurrency skills. If organizations are going to leverage data, they need professionals who can identify patterns and find opportunities, giving their employers a chance to remain ahead of the curve.
6. Financial Analysis
In the end, the world of crypto is largely about money. Cryptocurrencies are viewed as investments by many, so there is a strong financial component. Plus, with the emergence of NFTs, there are even more investment opportunities for those bold enough to venture into the landscape.
With all of that in mind, it shouldn’t be a surprise that financial analysis is one of the leading cryptocurrency skills, particularly if you’re focusing on the investment space. It allows you to examine markets to find opportunities and assess the performance of assets to determine any upcoming moves, making it a valuable addition to many crypto resumes.
7. Community Management
When it comes to non-technical capabilities that are crucial in the broader crypto landscape, community management skills are vital. Many cryptocurrencies have active (and vocal) communities behind them. Those behind the coins need to make sure they’re part of the conversation, so they turn to community management experts to share company messaging and keep discussions civil and productive.
8. UX Design
The world of cryptocurrency is increasingly competitive. If a company wants to launch a related platform or online service, following UX design best practices is essential. That way, the end result is user-friendly and appealing, increasing the odds that consumers will turn to the platform to handle their crypto-related needs.
However, UX design is also a critical cryptocurrency skill because companies need their internal applications to run smoothly. If an organization wants to develop a proprietary solution for managing key operational functions, it may turn to a UX design expert to ensure it meets the needs of employees.
9. Web Development
While web development isn’t directly connected to blockchain or cryptocurrency, it still has an important role to place. In many cases, people engage with blockchain-based systems using web applications. Knowing how to develop effective interfaces to create simple but engaging portals for activities like trading or contract finalization is part of that equation.
In many cases, you’ll actually need a number of skills to cover this base thoroughly. Experience with languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS might be critical if you’re focused on the frontend. For backend roles, Scala, Python, or Go might be vital.
Familiarity with APIs is also critical. While you won’t need the same level of understanding as a blockchain developer if you focus on this niche, knowing how they work in a general sense can help you stand out from the pack.
10. Compliance
Saying that the cryptocurrency landscape is a bit precarious can seem like an understanding. How existing laws apply isn’t always clear. Similarly, new regulations are likely on the horizon.
That’s why, when it comes to crypto skills, having a solid understanding of compliance concerns and requirements is a must. While those who oversee compliance are usually in law careers, everyone involved in development and operations needs to have a good overview of the current state and what’s on the horizon. That way, they can act in accordance with the law and prepare for new rules as they’re released.
Putting It All Together
Ultimately, all of the crypto skills above could be solid additions to your resume if you want to break into the cryptocurrency industry. Just choose the ones that align with the role you’re after. That way, you can put yourself on the path toward your dream crypto job.
Thanks for reading!

Co-founder and CTO of Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site, with his work being featured in top publications such as INC, ZDnet, MSN and more.
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