By Mike Simpson
When you’re looking for a new job, you need a resume that genuinely packs a punch. Overall, around 60 percent of hiring managers spend 11 seconds or less deciding whether a resume should remain in contention. Want more time than that? With a stellar statement of qualifications, you can get it.
Is an exceptional summary of qualifications genuinely that powerful? Yes, it really is.
So, do you want to make sure that yours is on-point? Great! Here’s what you need to know.
What Is a Statement of Qualifications?
Alright, before we dig into how to write a statement of qualifications or a summary of qualifications example, let’s talk about what one is in the first place.
One thing you may have already noticed is that the terms “statement of qualifications” and “summary of qualifications” look pretty interchangeable. In reality, they are. Both options are phrases that describe the same resume section.
There are also a few other terms that you may see pop up. “Qualifications summary” is an alternative, for example. In some cases, “job qualifications” is too, though it depends on how it’s used.
Okay, now that is out of the way, let’s dig into the definition a bit. A statement of qualifications is a resume section that highlights your strongest, most relevant capabilities relating to the job you want to land. In most cases, it’s a short, bulleted list featuring three to five critical points that you think the hiring manager really needs to see.
When it comes to where your summary of qualifications goes, it’s usually right at the top. The only thing that should sit above it is your contact details sections, as those always need to be front and center.
Pretty simple right? We think so. But how does it make a difference?
Well, with a standout statement of qualifications, you can show the hiring manager that you have what it takes to succeed in the role right away. You can showcase relevant skills and experience in a way that draws the eye, increasing the odds that they’ll see you’re a great candidate.
If you hoped straight into your work history instead, there’s a chance that the hiring manager would miss some of those key points. But with a qualifications summary, you reduce the odds of that happening, all with just a few bullets. How awesome is that?
What Makes a Great Statement of Qualifications?
At this point, you should have a good idea of why you need a statement of qualifications. But how do you write a great one? Well, we’re going to tell you.
First, you need to tailor the content to the job. Surprisingly, 54 percent of job seekers don’t target their resumes to the role. That means they are missing out on a crazy important opportunity.
By tailoring the statement of qualifications, you make your resume more enticing to the hiring manager. Plus, you’re more likely to have critical keywords that help you get past automated screening. That’s a win-win.
Not sure what to target in your summary of qualifications? Don’t panic. Just check out the Tailoring Method to see how you can focus the content on the exact right points.
Beyond that, you need to craft each bullet the right way. Brevity is your friend when you write a statement of qualifications. Every point needs to be straightforward to ensure the hiring manager can get critical information quickly.
Additionally, you want to make this resume section keyword-heavy. It’s all about showcasing those must-have skills and experience fast, allowing you to stand out as a right-fit candidate from the get-go.
In many cases, leading with a bullet that features your total numbers of relevant experience and either your field or job title is wise. It’s a quick snapshot that lets the hiring manager know you have enough time in the industry or specialty to do the job well.
For the rest, be achievement-oriented. By discussing accomplishments, you show the hiring manager how you put your skills to work instead of just telling them that what you can do.
Quantifying the details is also a smart move. Numbers stand out from letters on the page, drawing the eye. Plus, it’s a simple way to add context, helping the hiring manager see the value you can provide.
Common Statement of Qualifications Mistakes
Is it possible to make mistakes with your statement of qualifications? Yes, it’s completely possible. Luckily, most are pretty easy to avoid once you know what they are.
One common mistake is not using action verbs. With action verbs, each statement is more impactful by design. Not only do they help you convey important information, but they also make your resume a more interesting read.
Using “I” statements is another biggie. Why? Because “I” statements typically require more words to express the same thought. As a result, your bullets aren’t as focused.
When you write any part of your resume, incomplete sentences are okay. So, skip the “I” and get straight to the point.
Another issue is copying something you say in another part of your resume. While you can certainly showcase the same skills and even reference the same achievement, you don’t want to have the exact same statement in your resume twice. That makes the overall content less intriguing.
In a worst-case scenario, the hiring manager may even interpret the copy-paste approach as laziness. So, if you want to share the same detail twice, rephrase it significantly to avoid that potential problem.
How to Write a Statement of Qualifications
Alright, now is one of the moments you’ve been waiting for: the step-by-step guide on how to write a statement of qualification. Follow the process below to make sure you head in the right direction.
1. Identify Critical Keywords
While you might assume that the first step you need to take involves your resume, that isn’t the case. Before you do any writing, you need to tackle some research.
Head to the job description for the position you’re applying for and identify any crucial keywords. They may be within paragraphs or in the list of must-have skills and experience.
In either case, review the entire job post carefully, identifying every keyword that aligns with your capabilities. Additionally, make a note of the ones that appear near the top of lists or that are repeated, as those are usually the hiring manager’s top priorities.
2. Reflect on Your Achievements
Now that you know what keywords matter to the hiring manager, it’s time for a bit of reflection. Think about your career and determine which achievements put the keyword-related skills and experience on display.
If you come up with several accomplishments that address the same point, then look beyond that keyword. When an achievement can highlight several relevant capabilities that aren’t covered elsewhere, it may be the better addition, ensuring you can fit more keywords into the small area.
3. Embrace Brevity
As you pick accomplishments to feature, start thinking about how you can highlight them in a single sentence. Each bullet in your qualifications summary is just one sentence long, so you need to embrace brevity as you design every point.
Now, you can use run-on sentences in a resume. However, if a single bullet expands too much, shifting away from the main topic of that point, you’ve likely gone too far.
One easy way to keep an eye is to limit each point to no more than two lines on the page. Anything beyond that usually means you’re trying to fit more into a single bullet than you should.
4. Get the Numbers
As we mentioned above, adding numbers to your summary of qualifications is a great idea. If you don’t know the numbers that relate to your achievements off of the top of your head, spend time looking them up, if possible. That way, you can quantify the heck out of the details, making your statement more impactful.
For recent achievements, you may be able to find that information in work records. For older ones, reviewing your past resumes may be an excellent move. After all, if you’ve quantified your details in your older resumes, you may find what you need there.
Now, if you can’t find a number for every point, that might be okay. As long as the majority are quantified, you may be able to get by with one that isn’t. However, you might also want to consider replacing that bullet with one you can quantify, especially if you have other number-free points to share.
5. Choose the Right Order
After you’ve written a few bullet points, take a moment to choose the order you’ll put them in. Usually, you want to lead off with one that showcases your overall experience, especially if a minimum amount of experience is listed in the job ad. That way, the hiring manager knows immediately that you fit the bill in that regard.
Once you’ve done that, it’s time to think about priorities. Use the information from the job description as a reference, allowing you to see which skills are deemed critical in the eye of the hiring manager. Then, order the rest of the statements based on how high of a priority they are in the hiring manager’s eyes, ensuring they can find those essential details fast when they review your resume.
6. Double Check It for Errors
While you should always review your resume to make sure there aren’t any errors, it’s even more critical here. Since your summary of qualifications is the first thing the hiring manager usually reads, it has to be error-free. Otherwise, they may assume you aren’t detail-oriented in a matter of seconds, causing you to miss out on the opportunity.
Double (and even triple) check it for spelling or grammar mistakes. Then, ask a trusted family member, friend, or colleague to take a look, too. That way, your chances of catching errors are ridiculously high, ensuring you make the best possible first impression when you do submit your resume.
3 Statement of Qualifications Examples
When you’re learning a new skill – and resume writing certainly is a skill – having a step-by-step guide like the one above is helpful. However, it is also beneficial to see the tips in action. That way, you have a quick way to see what the final result should look like.
But we didn’t want to give you just one summary of qualifications example. Instead, we are giving you three.
Each statement of qualifications example below focuses on a different kind of position. That way, you get a better glimpse into what you need to do.
1. Accounting Position with Manufacturing Company
- Senior accountant with 7+ years of experience supporting companies in the manufacturing and production sector
- Managed annual budget of $1.2 million
- Secured 28 % in cost reductions through strategic contract renegotiations
- Supervised and trained team of 8 junior account professionals, boosting cumulative performance by 15 %
- Certified Public Account (CPA)
2. Software Development Role
- 3+ years of experience with JavaScript, Java, Python, and C#
- Designed and launched internal Android App for employee hours tracking, reducing payroll processing timeline by 10 %
- Led legacy code refactoring project, reducing technical debt and enhancing documentation quality
- Graduated with honors with a Bachelor’s of Science in Software Development
3. Management Position in a Retail Location
- 12 years of retail management experience with 8 years focused on big-box retail
- Redesigned company onboarding process, reducing turnover by 150 %
- Implemented strategic marketing initiatives, boosting sales by 58 %
- Managed a store staff of 150+
- Earned Certified Retail Management Expert (CRME) Certification
Putting It All Together
At this point, you should know exactly what you need to do to write an outstanding statement of qualifications. Along with excellent tips, at least one of the summary of qualifications examples above should inspire you, making it easier to create your own attention-grabbing list.
Just make sure that you focus on the job qualifications you see in a specific job ad. Tailoring is always a must if you want to catch the hiring manager’s eye, so make it a priority. If you do, you’ll be one step closer to job search success.
Good luck!

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at
His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan, Penn State, Northeastern and others.
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