By Mike Simpson
UPDATED 9/7/2022
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” That’s what the late Henry Ford had to say about teamwork.
Hiring managers understand that teamwork makes the working world go ‘round. What does that mean for you? That you’re almost guaranteed to face off against some teamwork interview questions when you’re trying to land a job.
Do you want to make sure you’re ready for the inevitable? Great! Then let’s get going.
What Is Teamwork?
Before we dig into the teamwork interview questions, let’s pause for a moment to consider what teamwork even is. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, teamwork is “work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.”
To put it in simpler terms, teamwork is when a group comes together to accomplish a task, and their main priority is the quality of the end result. It isn’t about shining as an individual. Instead, it’s about having the best outcome possible through the use of cumulative effort.
Alright, now you understand what teamwork is, but you’re probably wondering, “Why do hiring managers ask teamwork interview questions?” After all, everyone on the planet has likely been part of a team at some point. Shouldn’t that mean essentially any candidate could do well in this department?
In reality, not everyone is as great at teamwork as you’d expect. Some people may be slackers, letting everyone else do all of the work and getting credit just because they were there. Others are my-way-or-the-highway types, digging their heels in and ignoring everyone else’s ideas.
Just because you have team-oriented experience doesn’t mean you’re great at teamwork. Since teamwork is fundamental in manufacturing, customer service, healthcare, and so many other industries, hiring managers favor candidates who shine in this area.
Why Is Teamwork Important?
At this point, you probably have a general idea of why teamwork is important. It ensures colleagues can work well together, achieving critical joint goals.
But the importance of teamwork goes deeper. Through teamwork, companies can create a more supportive, positive culture. Plus, teamwork can make overcoming obstacles easier. Coworkers are more respectful of each other’s perspectives in team-oriented environments. They’re also more likely to take a back seat when the situation requires it or step up when circumstances demand it.
Ultimately, teamwork lets people share ideas, benefit from each other’s strengths, compensate for one another’s weaknesses, and otherwise flourish. In the end, that’s the importance of teamwork.
How to Answer Teamwork Interview Questions
Now that you have a solid idea of what teamwork is – and why hiring managers are going to grill you about it – let’s take the next step. If you’re going to shine during your meeting, you need to know how to answer teamwork interview questions effectively. That means it’s strategy time.
First, it’s important to understand that nearly all teamwork interview questions are behavioral interview questions. Hiring managers are going to ask you to “tell them about a time…” or “describe a time when…”
Why? Because the hiring manager wants to hear examples. They are looking for insights into your capabilities and how you put your skills to work.
Luckily, that means you can develop a single approach that can help you showcase yourself as a great candidate. First, it’s time for the STAR Method. That lets you take your example and craft it into an engaging story. Your answer will have the flow of beautiful prose without getting long-winded. That’s a win.
But, if you really want to impress, integrate the Tailoring Method, too. With that, you’ll increase the relevancy of your responses, ensuring you are speaking directly to the needs of the hiring manager. Double win!
In fact we we wanted to let you know that we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview. After all, hiring managers will often ask you more generalized interview questions!
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FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our "Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet" that gives you "word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview.
Top 10 Teamwork Interview Questions
Alright, enough strategy talk. If you want to see how you can grab teamwork interview questions by the horn, nothing helps quite like some examples. With that in mind, here are the top ten teamwork interview questions and answers for your consideration:
1. What are the advantages of good teamwork?
With this question, the hiring manager is learning more about your perspective and mentality. They’re hoping that you see the value in teamwork, as that could mean you’re better suited to a team-oriented environment.
“I believe that good teamwork offers up a range of benefits, including improved efficiency and productivity. However, one occasionally overlooked advantage is better problem-solving capabilities. In my last job, I was working with several colleagues on a project, and we hit a roadblock. Alone, progress likely would have ground to a halt. But since we were working together, that wasn’t the case. We collaborated and brainstormed, bouncing ideas off of one another. Our differing viewpoints and expertise ultimately proved valuable, allowing us to navigate a complex situation and find a solution, all because of teamwork.”
2. How would you connect with a new team member?
Here’s a question that aims to see how you bridge the gap when a new person enters a team environment. Generally, you need to show that you’re welcoming and supportive, outlining those traits with a solid example.
“If there is a new team member, the first step I usually take is to quickly introduce myself and offer them assistance as they get their footing. By making a genuine offer, they know they can come to me, and that makes a difference.
Beyond that, it depends on the environment. In my last job, our lunch breaks were long enough to head to a nearby café. Since that was the case, I’d invite the new team member out for lunch, my treat, creating opportunities to get to know each other socially. After that, I’d simply touch base with them whenever possible to see how they were doing and what they thought of the workplace. Usually, that approach was enough to get them comfortable.”
3. What do you enjoy about working in a team?
When asking interview questions about teamwork like this one, the hiring manager isn’t just looking for a great answer; they also want to see some enthusiasm when you respond. If you openly exhibit your excitement to work with a great team, you have a real chance of standing out.
“My favorite part about working in a team is the learning opportunities. In my last role, we were regularly on cross-departmental teams when handling critical projects. Along with contributing my expertise, I had a chance to learn from others.
For example, in my last project, one of the team members was selected due to their familiarity with a newer technology that was critical for the project. While working on joint tasks, I had the opportunity to get some instruction from them on that technology. The experience was outstanding, and it turned me into a more valuable employee, all because I had a chance to work on an amazing team.”
4. What do you dislike about working in a team?
Here, the hiring manager is really looking for an answer to two interview questions regarding teamwork. First, they do want to find out what you dislike. Second, they want to know how you deal with it, ensuring it doesn’t hold you back. By tapping on both points, you’re usually in good shape.
“While I generally like working on a team, I do find it frustrating when a team member isn’t meeting deadlines for their contributions. It can hold the entire team back and potentially derail the project.
Fortunately, I’ve found a way to address that problem. I make it a habit to check in with other team members solely for the purpose of offering support and assistance. I ensure that it seems like requesting my help is doing me a favor, making them more likely to accept. Then, if they are behind, we can catch up together.”
5. Are there any personality types you struggle to work with?
This is another of the teamwork interview questions that’s really two rolled into one, like the sample above. Again, you’ll want to discuss a personality type you struggle with, as well as outline how what you do to work with them effectively.
“While I appreciate getting along with team members, I think I have the hardest time working with colleagues who view every meeting as a chance to socialize instead of focusing on the task at hand. It slows down the project, and the distraction can cause important details to get missed.
However, I’ve learned a technique that can avoid that issue. First, I find another convenient moment in the day to connect with that colleague socially. For example, we may chat while on a break, or I’ll invite them to lunch so we can bond. After that, I often find that they’re more focused, as their social needs have been met. But even if they aren’t, the fact that we’re closer makes it easier for me to steer them back on course, allowing us to remain focused.”
6. What would you do if you were working on a team and, without notice, a group member left the organization? How would you help the team adapt?
With this question, the hiring manager is gauging your ability to manage change and ensure not just your success but the success of your colleagues. Ideally, you’ll want to describe how you would reassess the group’s responsibilities and equitably divvy out the work.
If you have an example from your past that relates to this scenario, you can certainly discuss it. However, you can speak in purely theoretical terms, as well.
“If I was working as part of a team on a project and a member left without notice, my first step would be to assess the workload of the person that was no longer there. I’d work to create a list of their responsibilities – either based on my own knowledge or by working with the project manager – and would try to estimate the time commitment and needed expertise for each duty.
After that, I’d sit with my remaining team members to outline a plan for dividing up the tasks. This allows us to find ways to divide up the work as fairly as possible.
If we weren’t just dealing with a project but a person’s regular workload, I would coordinate with my manager about the person’s past duties. My goal would be to take on my fair share of the work, ensuring there was some coverage until the position was filled. That way, if other team members did the same, any burden was spread out, reducing everyone’s stress as much as possible.”
7. How would your former team members describe your project work?
This question requires you to consider another perspective when assessing your teamwork capabilities. Hiring managers ask this question because how a person views themselves and how they’re perceived by others can differ, and they’re hoping to gain some unique insights regarding what others value in you.
“When discussing my project work, my former team members would describe me as organized, diligent, and always willing to lend a hand. I’m a big proponent of planning. By breaking down complex tasks, I effectively estimate the time required for each activity. By ensuring resources and materials are in the right place, I can easily find information, and my colleagues can do the same.
Along the way, if I experience challenges, I do what it takes to solve them. Whether it’s research, tapping into another person’s expertise, or any other approach, I’m happy to keep digging until issues are resolved.
Also, while working on projects, I strive to support my fellow team members as much as possible. I’ve assisted with research, taken on extra duties if a team member became overwhelmed, and otherwise have done everything I could to assist to ensure the success of the group.”
8. How would you rate your collaboration skills?
In many ways, teamwork and collaboration go hand-in-hand. Since that’s the case, the hiring manager may ask questions like this one to assess your capabilities.
“Overall, I’d say I’m a very effective collaborator. I frequently rely on active listening while working as part of a team, which allows me to better understand the perspective of others. With that, I use techniques like paraphrasing and asking clarifying questions to ensure I fully understand, only responding to an idea once I’m certain I’m clear.
I’m also highly agile, which assists with collaboration. I can step up as a leader when needed, but I’m also comfortable taking a step back and supporting another. Since I’m comfortable with change, I remain open to ideas and can pivot when the situation demands it. In the end, that all helps me collaborate effectively.”
9. Which of your characteristics make you a better team member? Why?
Here, the hiring manager wants you to discuss traits that help you effectively work as part of a team. Make sure to name the characteristics and outline why they’re beneficial.
“I have several characteristics that I believe make a difference. First, I have a generally calm demeanor, even when under pressure. Often, this makes me more effective when group projects encounter challenges, as I’m not easily frazzled.
Second, I’m a strong verbal and written communicator. As a result, I have an easier time coordinating and collaborating with team members and sharing information with various stakeholders.
Finally, I excel at time management. I use specific techniques to break down large projects into smaller tasks and estimate the time requirements. That allows me to create a functional calendar outlining what I’ll handle when, giving me a roadmap toward success and ensuring I meet critical deadlines not just for the project as a whole but for any deliverables that my colleagues need in order to handle their responsibilities.”
10. If you have personal and team-related responsibilities, which do you prioritize and why?
In some ways, this teamwork interview question might seem a bit tricky. However, by outlining an approach that takes other factors into account – such as looming deadlines or the needs of colleagues – you can answer it effectively.
“If my workload involves individual and team tasks, I use several strategies to determine how to prioritize my work. First, I’ll consider any deadlines, using that as a foundation. Next, I’ll look at various dependencies on my end, as that can play a role in ordering the responsibilities. Then, I’ll consider how any of my tasks impact others. For example, if a colleague can’t handle one of their responsibilities until I complete an activity, I factor that into the equation. Once that’s complete, I generally know how to best order my tasks.
However, if two activities are largely equal – with one being independent and one team-oriented – I’ll typically handle the team task first. That ensures that I’m properly supporting my colleagues. Plus, based on my approach to planning, I’ll still have time to handle my independent work, so it makes it a win-win.”
40 More Teamwork Interview Questions
- Tell me about your teamwork experience.
- Have you ever had trouble working with a coworker?
- Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your manager. How did you handle it?
- Describe a challenging workplace situation. How did you deal with it?
- What positive impact would you make on the team’s culture?
- If a team member started taking credit for your contributions, what would you do?
- What steps would you take if a colleague refused to do their fair share?
- Do you enjoy working in a team environment?
- How do you perform when working on team projects in a fast-paced environment?
- Tell me about a time when a team experience was frustrating?
- Can you tell me about a time when a team project you worked on failed? What happened, and what steps did you take to move forward?
- Tell me about a time when you stepped into a leadership role.
- When a project requires input from several levels in a company, how do you approach it?
- What approach do you take to communicate effectively with a diverse team?
- How would your manager and colleagues describe your teamwork skills?
- If you and a team member disagree about how to proceed with a group project, how do you come to a decision?
- Describe your experience mediating disagreements.
- How would you feel about this position if it became more team-focused in the future? What if it became less team-oriented?
- Tell me about a time when your teamwork skills were put to the test.
- Do you have any weaknesses that hinder your teamwork capabilities?
- What makes a team successful?
- What motivational strategies do you use to promote team success?
- How do you make sure that team members get credit for their contributions?
- When it comes to group dynamics, what do you think hinders teamwork the most?
- Are there any personality types you can’t work with well?
- Which of your traits make you hard to work with, and why?
- What does teamwork mean to you?
- Describe a time when you worked well as part of a team.
- Can you tell me about a time when a lack of teamwork hindered a project? How did you address the situation?
- Do you prefer to work as part of a team or independently?
- When you’re in a team situation, what role do you usually play?
- If a team member was disengaged, what would you do to motivate them?
- In your opinion, does teamwork come with any drawbacks?
- Describe your ideal team dynamic.
- Tell me about your most challenging teamwork experience. How did that make you a better team player moving forward?
- If you were on a dysfunctional team, what steps would you take to improve it?
- How do you ensure that your colleagues get proper credit for group work?
- Have you ever been criticized by a team member? What occurred, and how did you respond?
- What does collaboration mean to you?
- If you had to pick one characteristic that was critical for a strong team, what would it be and why?
Putting It All Together
As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work. Hiring managers prefer candidates that are exceptional at working as part of a group, usually regardless of the role. Luckily, you’re a great candidate, and by reviewing the teamwork interview questions above, you can showcase your teamwork skills with ease. So, what are you waiting for? Start preparing today!
FREE: Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet!
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- What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
- What Is Your Greatest Strength?
- Tell Me About Yourself
- Why Should We Hire You?
- And more!
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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at
His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan, Penn State, Northeastern and others.
Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page.