List of Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Seekers

By Mike Simpson “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” is probably one of the scariest interview questions on the planet. Why? Because you essentially have to walk a tightrope to nail it. One, you have to come across as genuine. That means no canned replies or a bunch of cliches that the hiring manager won’t…
How to Write a Thank You Email Subject Line (Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis Many job seekers understand the power of a well-crafted thank you email after an interview. However, a surprising number overlook one important detail: the thank you email subject line. Email subject lines are a critical part of the equation. They let the recipient know what to expect if they open your email.…
Top 27 McDonald’s Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson In many ways, answering McDonald’s interview questions can feel like a rite of passage. After all, one-in-eight workers in the United States worked for McDonald’s at some point in their lives. McDonald’s isn’t just a household name; it’s a major employer. In the United States alone, there are nearly 14,000 locations, employing…
Top 25 College Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Ah, college interview questions. For many aspiring college students, the idea of participating in a college interview is, in a word, terrifying. Like a job interview, this meeting may determine whether you get into your first-choice school. Cue the anxiety, right? Well, that may not be necessary. First, yes, it’s true that…
15 Leadership Examples for Job Interviews

By Jeff Gillis Hiring managers are always on the hunt for one thing: leaders. Whether the job is a leadership position or not, leadership skills are insanely valuable. How do hiring managers assess your abilities? By asking for leadership examples, of course. The trick is, many job seekers aren’t sure what on Earth they should…
“Sell Me This Pen” Interview Question (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Sell me this pen; it’s one of the trickiest interview questions around. And if your one of the 5.7 million professional salespeople in the United States, there’s a decent chance you’ll encounter it at some point during your career. Now, this question isn’t difficult because it’s unconventional. After all, this question made…
Top 25 Residency Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson After tackling medical school, you’ll face a new challenge; landing a residency. And how do you get one? That’s right; by squaring off against those dastardly residency interview questions and nailing your answers, that’s how. Standing out from the crowd isn’t always easy. In 2019, there were 38,376 applicants in the National…
How to Master the Open Interview (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Open interviews can be tricky beasts. Unlike traditional approaches, you don’t submit a resume in advance and then get a set appointment to discuss why you’re a great candidate for a job. No sirree. Instead, you simply march on in, tackle the application, and hop right into the interview. Intense, right? Mastering…
How to Explain Gaps in Your Employment – Interview Question (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson How to explain gaps in employment; it’s something that plagues a lot of job seekers. Many professionals end up taking time away from the workforce. Sometimes, it’s because they had to step away. At times, leaving wasn’t exactly voluntary. Regardless of the reason, having the right employment gap explanation at the ready…
What to Wear To An Interview

By Mike Simpson What to wear to an interview; it seems like such a simple thing on the surface. After all, you’ve probably heard a ton of advice, like the classic, “Dress for the job you want” or to aim one-level above what you’d you have to wear in the position. Easy, right? Well, no.…