Human Resources Manager Job Description (Skills, Salary, Duties & More)

By Jeff Gillis At the core of the human resources manager job description is a very simple concept; make sure that a company has the employees it needs to thrive. However, there’s also a lot more to the role than just overseeing personnel matters. In many cases, the human resources department assists with hiring, compensation,…
Top 15 Highest Paying IT Jobs

By Jeff Gillis When it comes to in-demand skills, technology-related capabilities are almost always at the top. Information technology (IT) plays a critical role in nearly every industry, and many companies struggle to find the talented pros they need. Many of the highest paying IT jobs require incredibly unique skill sets. Professionals with the right…
Top 20 Facebook Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Facebook is a social media giant and tech powerhouse. A shocking 2.6 billion people use the platform, outpacing every other social media site significantly. That’s what makes working at Facebook so enticing. The platform is part of so many people’s lives, which could make your work incredibly impactful. Plus, it could mean…
“Should I Quit My Job?” – 12 Reasons It Might Be Time

By Mike Simpson Should I quit my job… it’s a question that enters every professional’s mind, usually more often than people would expect. After all, about 2.6 million people quit their jobs in June 2020 alone. And that was during a pandemic, where widespread unemployment was the norm. However, just because you get an inkling…
Top 20 Chipotle Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Chipotle is looking to pounce, at least, that’s the case when it comes to hiring. The restaurant chain is looking to bring 10,000 new employees on board, allowing them to up their staffing levels to support rebounding sales. If you want to be one of the lucky 10,000 to join the chain’s…
Top 30 Unique Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Many job seekers live in fear of unique interview questions. Google became notorious for being unconventional, asking its candidates to solve brainteasers during the meeting. If the idea of that isn’t anxiety-inducing, you’re in the minority. But that doesn’t mean you should worry about the possibility of weird interview questions. First, they…
Top 20 Apple Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Apple has long been viewed as a leader in the technology world. As a result, many professionals want to nail their Apple interview questions, ensuring they have a chance to join the revolutionary company. Apple is undoubtedly seen as an innovator, and many of its devices are considered status symbols. While the…
Top 15 Best Jobs for History Majors

By Jeff Gillis Plenty of people are enamored with history. Whether it’s learning about major events or tracking their family lineage, spending time focused on the past is enjoyable to many. That’s what makes studying the subject so appealing. While many enjoy history, many believe the major has limited career potential. Aside from teaching or…
Physical Therapist Job Description (Duties, Skills, Salary, Education & More)

By Jeff Gillis In many ways, physical therapists fly under the radar. They don’t always get the attention that doctors and nurses do, and that’s a genuine shame. Why? Because, for those that they help, the impact they have is immeasurable. Physical therapists may guide someone through a process that allows them to recover their…
Top 25 Microsoft Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Microsoft… one of the OG tech behemoths. Founded in 1975, the company has been responsible for stunning innovations over the decades. If you want to be a part of future discoveries, that means facing off against the Microsoft interview questions. In reality, simply facing off against them isn’t enough. After all, Microsoft…