How To Deal With Interview Nerves |
Nerves have ruined many a job seekers dreams in the interview room. Watch this video to get some tips on shaking the interview "shakes". (You'll feel better after watching it, since you couldn't possibly be as awkward as he is in the interview room...)
For your convenience here is the transcript of the video:
Hi I'm Mike, one half of the interview guys. Today Jeff and I are taking submissions from our students to help them get over a major interview problem they are having.
So Jeff, could you pass me the submission we're going to focus on today?
This one reads, "Dear Jeff and Mike, I'd really appreciate it if you gave some tips for calming your nerves in an interview, because I had a slight issue in my last interview where nerves might have played a roll." Signed, Jeff in Seattle.
Okay, good idea Jeff in Seattle, let's talk about nerves. Wait. Jeff in Seattle? Hey Jeff, isn't that funny? Their name is Jeff and they are from Seattle, just like y-....wait a minute. Jeff from Seattle? Did you submit this Jeff?
Umm...well...uhhh...fine, it was me! I had a slightly awkward moment in my last interview and just wanted to make sure that doesn't happen next time...
But this was supposed to be for our students...uggh....nevermind. Let's take a look at Jeff's awkward moment ...
Okay Jeff, thank-you for coming.
Wow, okay, Jeff. Couldn't even get through the introduction... that was ummm...unbelievably awkward to say the least.
That's nothing. You should have seen is face when he felt my clammy drenched palm when we shook hands.
Oh dear. Have any of you folks at home ever felt like Jeff before? If so, don't worry, because today the Interview Guys have got your top 5 tips for battling interview nerves! So what's our first tip Jeff?
Our first tip deals with "the unknown". We all fear what we don't know, and this is a huge cause of our anxiety. So if there is anything about the interview you are unsure about, find out! Find out the name of the person who will be interviewing you by calling the company. While you're at it, ask about what the dress code is if you are unsure. The less unknowns there are, the more at ease you will be.
Tip #2 is to arrive to the interview early and spend some time relaxing. If you're rushing to the interview, you're probably going to be rushing in the interview. It helps to plan your route to the interview ahead of time as well, so you don't arrived stressed after sitting in rush hour traffic or taking a wrong turn and getting lost!
The third tip on our list is to visualize the entire process as a normal conversation between two colleagues trying to get to know each other. A conversation is much less stressful than an interview. Take some time to practice with a friend or colleague to perfect your delivery.
Tip #4 is to accept the fact that mistakes do happen, and be okay with that! The interviewer knows you are a human and is not expecting you to be perfect. They really just want to see that you are resilient and can adapt when mistakes happen. If you can do it in the interview, chances are you can do it on the job!
And our final tip is to make sure that you have really taken the time to plan, prepare and rehearse. The less prepared you are, the more anxiety you are going to feel. Spend some time researching the company and more importantly, preparing answers to the interview questions you believe are going to be asked.
Now you might be asking yourself, how on earth do I make sure I know how to give perfect interview answers to the toughest questions? Well it's your lucky day, because the Interview Guys are here to help.
We've written a hugely popular free special report that will show you how to give perfect interview answers every time. Click this link to get it:
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