Skype Interview Tips |
The skype interview or video interview is becoming a more and more common part of the job interview process. Here are Jeff & MIke's Top 5 Skype interview tips
For your convenience here is the transcript of the video:
Hi, I'm Jeff but you probably know me as one half of the Interview Guys. At the moment, I'm talking
to my friend Mike over Skype, because today we want to give you our top 5 tips for nailing a Skype
interview! And you'll want to watch the video all the way to the end, because we're going to give you
something that will help you get an offer from your very next interview.
Thanks Jeff! I'm Mike, the other half of the interview guys. As Jeff said, today we are focused on Skype interviews because more and more companies
these days are using Skype or video interviews to look for candidates. it's really important that you know how to do a Skype interview
properly, because it is usually your first chance to make a good impression with the company.
Okay, so let's get started. What's our first tip Mike?
Tip #1 is to set the scene. Make sure you choose a room that will give you some privacy, and that means it should be away
from any noise including pets or children. You want to show the interviewer that you are prepared and focused.
So does that mean my arctic snowy owl has to go?
Wait, you have an arctic snowy owl living in a small cage in your living room? Is that even legal?
You're right. I'm going to set her free out my window right now. Why don't you give the next tip
Wait, you can't just let it go out the window...never mind...okay moving on...Tip #2 is to test your system. Make sure you are using a computer that doesn't crash and has a
decent processing speed. It is also very important for you to test your internet connection, because there is nothing an interviewer dislikes
more than a broken conversation or frozen screen.
Our third tip is to dress the part. Just because you are at home, doesn't mean that you should be in your pajamas! You wantt the interviewer to be
able to envision you in the role already, so try to dress the way you would if you already had the job!
Our fourth tip is to smile and make eye contact! In other words, act naturally as you would in a traditional in person interview! Smiling and making
eye contact will help create rapport with your interviewer, but also make you look confident, positive and enthusiastic about the job! But remember,
you should make eye contact with your camera and not your screen, just like you were making eye contact with a real person. A lot of people make
this mistake.
Our final tip, is that you need to research and practice potential interview questions that you think are going to be asked in the interview. The good thing about the Skype
interview is that you can make notes on your answers and have them nearby as a reference. Keep them just off screen so you can glance at them as needed.
So that's our top 5 tips for preparing for a Skype interview. If you have any questions about Skype interviews or simply want to tell us that you liked our
video, please remember to comment down below!
But that's not it Mike! T make sure that you'll be completely prepared for your Skype interview, we've also prepared a free special report for you that will
show you how to prepare perfect interview answers. You can use this report to help you craft perfect interview answers for any kind of interview, including Skype!
Click this link to get it: Get my free special report!