How to Write a Thank You Email After Your Phone Interview (+ Samples)

By Mike Simpson Ah, the thank you email. It seems like such a simple thing. But, did you know that it can be a make or break point for you as a candidate? It’s true. Some hiring managers will discard candidates who fail to send one. Others will make hiring decisions based on the content…
How to Prepare for an Interview (Step-By-Step Guide)

By Mike Simpson If you want to land a job, there’s one hurdle you’re essentially guaranteed to face: the interview. After all, hiring managers don’t choose a candidate based on their resume alone in nearly all cases. They want to meet the candidate and learn more about what they bring to the table. And, if…
15 Common Illegal Interview Questions

By Jeff Gillis Most job seekers understand that the hiring manager might ask them something unexpected, or maybe even outlandish. But there are certain questions that do more than catch you off-guard. They leave you wondering, “Is that even legal?” The answer is, maybe not. There are illegal interview questions. Some are banned at a…
Top 35 Data Analyst Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Today, there are approximately 2.7 million data-oriented jobs. Holy cow, right? And more are showing up every day. Companies are scrambling to find the data analysts they need to handle, well, all of the data they’ve collected. Data analysts are investigators, digging through unprecedented amounts of information to find meaning and patterns.…
Top 35 Pharmacist Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Pharmacists play a critical role in the medical community. They dispense prescription medications, ensuring patients have what they need to feel better or get well. Often, pharmacists also act as counselors, advising patient’s on how to take their medications effectively and safely. Many pharmacists also do more. They might offer blood pressure…
Top 15 Nanny Interview Questions

By Mike Simpson Today, we’re doing something a little bit different; we’re setting down our job seeker hat and putting on our hiring manager one for a change. Why the switch? Because there’s a need. More than 34 million professionals have at least one child under the age of 14. When COVID-19 hit, K-12 school…
Top 18 Best Jobs for English Majors

By Jeff Gillis English majors get a lot of flak. Many people assume there aren’t many career options for professionals with English degrees beyond teaching and writing. But the real question is, is that true? Luckily, it isn’t. While both of those are great jobs for English degrees, they aren’t the only options. In reality,…
What Job Is Right for Me? How to Choose a Job

By Mike Simpson What job is right for me? What professional hasn’t asked themselves that very question? While a select few may have been lucky enough to figure out their niche early in life, that isn’t the norm. At times, figuring out the “what career is right for me” question involves trial and error. Sometimes,…
Top 18 Highest Paying Sales Jobs

By Jeff Gillis Companies create products or services, hoping that others will spend their hard-earned money on them. Really, that’s the foundation of business. But companies can’t assume that their offerings will fly off the shelves all on their own. Instead, they need a skilled team of quick-thinkers and smooth-talkers to showcase the virtues of…
Top 33 Scrum Master Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson In a way, Scrum Masters are Sherpas, helping teams navigate the mountainous terrain that is a project. They help keep development efforts on target, ensuring companies can achieve their project goals using proven methods and reliable frameworks. But, even if it sounds similar, they aren’t project managers; they’re something different. And, today,…