Product Manager Job Description (Certification, Skills, Duties, Salary & More)

By Mike Simpson Behind many of the world’s favorite products is an unsung development hero: the product manager. These professionals give products flight, whipping new ideas into shape, turning concepts into realities, and elevating existing options. They ultimately determine what actually makes it into the hands of customers, and that’s pretty amazing. For many, the…
Account Manager Job Description (Skills, Salary, Education, Duties & More)

By Jeff Gillis Are you good with people? Are you a great communicator? Are you good with sales but like the idea of forming a longer lasting relationship with your customers and clients than you often get to do with a front line sales job? Well, (you probably see where I’m going with this) a…
Customer Service Representative Job Description (Skills, Duties, Salary & More)

By Jeff Gillis I thought putting out this customer service job description in the middle of our battle with both the corona virus and this awful downturn in the job market was timely for a couple reasons. For one thing, customer service jobs span a huge range of industries, so even though job openings in…
Cashier Job Description (Skills, Salary, Duties, Training & More)

By Jeff Gillis After our recent round of “company specific interview question articles” on hiring powerhouses Costco, Walmart, and Target, what better job description to breakdown than that of the cashier. Cashiers are obviously very important for all three of the companies mentioned but I think they have garnered a new found respect recently. I’m…
10 Best Remote Jobs That Pay Well

By Mike Simpson Do you loathe heading to an office and dealing with an unending stream of distractions (like Janet and her bizarre Brazilian soap opera obsession)? Does your commute give new meaning to the term “road rage”? Do you wish you could sidestep all of that and and still have a successful career? If…
Executive Assistant Job Description (Salary, Duties, Skills, Education & More)

By Jeff Gillis Let’s be frank. Without their executive assistants, a lot, and I mean A LOT of executives around the country (and the world) would be lost! (Not taking anything away from executives of course 😉 ) Executive assistants (and administrative assistants) often form the backbone of a company or operation. They keep things…
Registered Nurse Job Description (Salary, Duties, Skills, Certification & More)

By Mike Simpson When it comes to in-demand professionals, registered nurses certainly fall into that category. There were over 3 million registered nurse positions in the United States in 2018. By 2028, that number’s going up by 371,500. That’s more than a 12 percent increase. But, even with so many walking around today (and so…
How to Become a Teacher (Education, Skills, Certification, Salary & More)

By Jeff Gillis Teaching is one of the most rewarding and most challenging careers a person can pursue. When you work to become a teacher, you’ll have the opportunity to mold young minds and shape the leaders, innovators, and world-changers of tomorrow. How amazing is that? But, that journey isn’t going to be struggle-free. You’re…
CNA Job Description (Salary, Certification, Training, Skills & More)

By Mike Simpson If you’re looking for the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry, look no further than the certified nursing assistant (CNA). They fly through hospitals and clinics, donning scrubs and sensible shoes instead of capes and heavy boots. They deftly handle their CNA duties, allowing the virtues of great patient care to be…
Administrative Assistant Job Description (Skills, Duties, Salary, Certification & More)

By Mike Simpson A company is a lot like the mystical city of Oz. At the top is the CEO, the all-powerful wizard of business if you will. They seemingly have control over everything, steering the organization toward success. (If they’re good of course.) But, if you pull back the curtain, you see a different…