Top 15 Highest Paying Medical Jobs

highest paying medical jobs

By Mike Simpson When it comes to demand, medical jobs are where it’s at. On a global scale, an estimated 80 million healthcare workers are needed by 2030. The issue is, the supply of professionals is only expected to hit 65 million. That creates a shortfall of 15 million medical workers. While that statistics is…

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Financial Analyst Job Description (Skills, Salary, Duties, Certification & More)

By Jeff Gillis When people picture the finance sector, they usually conjure up imagines of chaotic stock trading floors. Luckily, there’s more to the industry than that. While the work can certainly be fast-paced, and the environments are often competitive, the job of a financial analyst is much more metered, consultative, and analytical in nature.…

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Bookkeeper Job Description (Skills, Salary, Duties, Certification & More)

By Jeff Gillis When people picture a person handling the duties in the bookkeeper job description, they may envision a person hunkered over a classic green ledger. As the bookkeeper scribbles away, they punch digits into the massive 10-key by their side as it continuously spews out paper tape like they’re preparing streamers for a…

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Top 15 Highest Paying Nursing Jobs

highest paying nursing jobs

By Mike Simpson Nurses aren’t just medical professionals; they are healthcare heroes. Many want to join their ranks because they want to help people, and that’s always admirable. But there’s also no shame in wanting a strong salary. If you want the best of both worlds, exploring the highest paying nursing jobs is a smart…

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Accounts Payable Job Description (Duties, Skills, Salary & More)

By Jeff Gillis There’s one thing that’s true about every company; they have bills to pay. You can’t exist as an entity without owing someone something. Whether it’s electricity for the facility, parts for making products, software services to maintain operations, or anything else, it comes with a bill. And, where there are bills, there’s…

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How To Write A Teacher Resume Objective (Examples Included)

By Mike Simpson When you want to land a teaching job, a teacher resume objective can make a world of difference. Used right, it can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase why you’re a great candidate. Teachers are some of the trusted, admired, and respected professionals in the country, and there’s a…

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Top 13 Highest Paying Engineering Jobs

highest paying engineering jobs

By Jeff Gillis Engineers make the world go-round. Alright, technically, they don’t, but that doesn’t mean the impact they make doesn’t have a similar magnitude. After all, if it’s a plane, train, automobile, building, bridge, or a slew of other things, an engineer likely had a hand in it. Most professionals don’t go into engineering…

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Controller Job Description (Salary, Duties, Skills, Certification & More)

By Jeff Gillis Controller; the job title alone sounds powerful. And, to be fair, the position is. In the world of finance, the controller job description covers an upper-level role. Sometimes, they go by “financial manager.” In other cases, they are the “chief financial officer” or “CFO.” That’s right; a controller can be part of…

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Operations Manager Job Description (Skills, Duties, Salary, Certification & More)

By Jeff Gillis In a way, an operations manager is like the business equivalent of “big brother,” sprinkled with a little bit of Sherlock Holmes. A core part of the operations manager job description is to keep an eye on essentially everything. But they don’t’ stop there. Operations managers monitor every process and procedure, which…

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18 Best Jobs for Introverts (Salary Info Included)

By Jeff Gillis Not everyone wants to be the center of attention or to spend their days interacting with others. That’s what makes jobs for introverts so appealing to certain professionals; they give you an opportunity to have a thriving career while stepping away from the spotlight and limiting interactions. Are these roles right for…

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