How to Write a Resignation Letter (Templates Included)

By Mike Simpson At some point in your career, you’re probably going to resign from a job. After all, practically no one stays in one role for their entire working life; moving on from time to time is normal. In fact, it’s so normal that millions of professionals leave their jobs every month. That’s right,…

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How to Write a Resume Profile (Examples Included)

By Mike Simpson Let’s face facts; looking for a job isn’t easy. As a candidate, you’re trying to find ways to stand out from the pack. You also need to ensure that the hiring manager can see at a quick glance that you’re the perfect candidate for the role. How can you pull that off?…

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Why Are You a Good Fit for This Job? (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson There you are, sitting across from the hiring manager, answering questions like a boss. Then, the hiring manager hits you with, “Why are you a good fit for this job?” Suddenly, you’re dumbfounded – and secretly hoping you didn’t just look at them like they spontaneously grew a third head. After all,…

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Top 25 Summer Jobs for Teens

By Jeff Gillis When the weather turns warmer, and students are out of school for the summer, many teenagers turn their eyes toward part-time summer jobs for teens. After all, what’s better than having some cash in your pocket, ensuring you can make the most of your time out of school? In the world of…

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30 Highest Paying Stay at Home Mom Jobs

By Jeff Gillis Just because you’re a stay-at-home mom doesn’t mean you don’t want to bring some cash into your household. Luckily, with the right stay-at-home mom jobs, you can handle your household responsibilities and earn a living. In fact, some of the best jobs for stay-at-home moms have stellar salaries and offer you a…

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Top 10 Video Game Jobs That Pay Well

video game jobs that pay well

By Jeff Gillis For many professionals, video game jobs are the dream. After all, many Millennials and most members of Gen Z grew up with video games in their lives. Titles like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Fortnite, and many, many more captured the…

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How to Craft a Resume Headline (20 Resume Title Examples Included)

By Mike Simpson As a job seeker, you know that having a stellar resume is a must. That means you need every part of it to showcase you as an exceptional talent, including your resume headline. In many ways, your resume headline is one of the most important parts of your application. Why? Because it…

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What Are Hard Skills? (112 Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis As a job seeker, your hard skills matter. By having the right ones on your resume, you increase your odds of standing out from the sea of other candidates dramatically. But what are hard skills? And how do you choose the right hard skills for a resume? If you’ve ever asked those…

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship (Templates Included)

By Mike Simpson Figuring out how to write a cover letter for an internship can be surprisingly tricky. Why? Well, for one, if you’re going for an internship, you probably don’t have a ton of experience in the field. Does that mean you shouldn’t go for it? Hardly. Overall, around 65 percent of paid internships…

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How to Write a Thank You Email Subject Line (Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis Many job seekers understand the power of a well-crafted thank you email after an interview. However, a surprising number overlook one important detail: the thank you email subject line. Email subject lines are a critical part of the equation. They let the recipient know what to expect if they open your email.…

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