How To Master the STAR Method For Interview Questions
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/5/2022 Job interviews are stressful, especially when faced with the dreaded behavioral-style interview. Behavioral questions help a hiring manager determine if a candidate also has the skills, experience, and traits to do the job effectively. As Monster puts it, it gives hiring managers an “honest glimpse behind the resume.” That’s why…
Top 50 Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers
By Mike Simpson Most job seekers know that they’ll face off against some behavioral interview questions during their next interview. But knowing which ones you’ll encounter – and how to approach answering them – is the essential part of the equation. That way, you’ll be ready for what the hiring manager is likely to ask,…
100 Good Skills to Put on a Resume [Complete Guide]
By Jeff Gillis UPDATED 6/4/2022 When you’re adding skills to a resume, you don’t just want to focus on what you’re good at. Instead, relevancy has to be part of the equation. After all, every job you’re trying to land requires a very specific skill set, one that you need to show that you have.…
Top 30 Administrative Assistant Interview Questions And Answers
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/4/2022 They say behind every successful business executive is a good administrative assistant secretly running the show. While the statement is meant to be funny, there’s a pretty solid core of truth to it. A competent, qualified, and enthusiastic administrative assistant is worth their weight in gold, and hiring managers use…
Top 50 Sales Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/3/2022 There’s no question that sales job interviews (and the sales interview questions you will be asked) are some of the toughest types of interviews out there. First, an estimated 13 million people work in the field, creating a lot of potential competition. Second, when you sit down with a hiring…
Top 50 Second Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/3/2022 Few things in life feel as fantastic as walking out of a first interview knowing you nailed it. When you’re initially invited in for a second interview, you’re usually flying high. Then it hits you; you’re about to face off against second interview questions, and those may be harder to…
Interview Question: What Are Your Career Goals? [+ Example Answers]
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 5/26/2022 What are your career goals? Do you have them? Do you need them? And what happens if you’re asked about your career aspirations in an interview? While career aspirations are often personal, having some is incredibly important, and not just for reasons you expect. Additionally, being able to talk about…
25 Job Interview Tips and Hacks That Are Genius!
By Jeff Gillis UPDATED: 5/26/2022 EVERYONE who has a job interview coming up is anxious to get the real job interview tips that will put them over the top and allow them to be the best candidate in the eyes of the hiring manager. But where are you supposed to look? How do you get…
Top 25 Highest Paying Trade Jobs
By Jeff Gillis UPDATED 5/24/2022 When Mike Rowe, the blue-collar philosopher and former star of Dirty Jobs, was asked about the biggest myths surrounding trade school jobs, his answer was simple: “…The biggest misconception is lousy pay.” And, to put it simply, he’s right. Many people think skilled tradespeople earn a pittance. In reality, many…
Interview Question: How Would You Describe Yourself? (Examples Included)
By Mike Simpson UPDATED 5/24/2022 Imagine this: you’re sitting in an interview for your dream job. Everything seems to be going beautifully. You’re knocking every question out of the ballpark, and the hiring manager is genuinely engaged. You’re confident you’ve got the job in the bag. But then, they ask you a dastardly question: “How…