Top 50 Highest Paying Jobs Without a Degree

By Jeff Gillis UPDATED 7/12/2022 When people picture jobs that don’t require degrees, they normally picture positions without a lot of potential. Maybe your mind went to retail or fast food, for example, which are typically close to minimum wage. The thing is, while those jobs are options, some of the highest-paying jobs without a…
Top 60 Fun Jobs That Pay Well

By Jeff Gillis UPDATED 7/12/2022 As the saying goes, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s why finding fun jobs that pay well is a smart career move. If you’re enjoying yourself, even a challenging day might not be that bad. Who wouldn’t want that? But what…
Top 30 Kohl’s Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson Kohl’s has been part of the retail landscape for more than 50 years. It’s a staple in malls all across America, which is why many people turn to the company when they’re looking for a job. If you’re interested in joining the 15.7 million people working in retail in the United States,…
Top 30 Best Buy Interview Questions (Sample Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson With over 1,000 stores and about 100,000 employees across the United States and Canada, calling Best Buy a major employer feels like an understatement. For anyone who’s a fan of electronics, the company may feel like a particularly good fit, too. The thing is, you need to make sure you nail the…
Top 40 Phone Interview Questions (Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson UPDATED 7/2/2022 In comparison to sitting across from a hiring manager, phone interviews seem like a breeze. After all, you can answer phone interview questions without having to worry about what you look like, the strength of your handshake, or pesky eye contact. But it’s important to understand, while phone interviews don’t…
Top 35 Highest Paying Blue-Collar Jobs

By Jeff Gillis Blue-collar jobs bring a lot to the table, potentially serving as the basis for lucrative careers. However, like all professions, not all blue-collar jobs are created equal. Instead, some are far more lucrative than others. Additionally, many people don’t realize that their blue-collar job definition isn’t actually accurate. As a result, they…
How to Answer “What Motivates You?” Interview Question (+ Examples)

By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/30/2022 Motivation is a powerful tool. It drives you to complete tasks and encourages you to keep going when times get tough. Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, selfish or altruistic, motivation matters, particularly on the job. The issue is that motivation is often highly personal. That’s why answering “What motivates…
How To Answer “What Makes You Unique?” (+ Sample Answers)

By Jeff Gillis UPDATED 6/30/2022 Uniqueness is a bit of a strange concept. When it comes to the formal definition, something is unique when it exists as the sole example, essentially having no equal. So, when the hiring manager asks, “What makes you unique?” it’s not uncommon to struggle a bit. Luckily, you don’t have…
Top 40 Walmart Interview Questions (+ Example Answers Included)

By Mike Simpson UPDATED 6/23/2022 Across the globe, Walmart employs a stunning 2.3 million associates. To put that in perspective, there are only 1.2 million active duty members in the entire U.S. military. Crazy, right? With employment numbers that high, you might assume that jobs at Walmart are hard to come by. In reality, the…
How to Answer “What Are You Looking for in a Job?” (+ Example Answers)

By Mike Simpson What are you looking for in a job? It seems like such a simple interview question to answer on the surface. However, getting it right can be a tad bit tricky, and not usually for the reason you’d expect. While the fact that there isn’t a single right answer does bump up…