Top 15 Best Jobs for Psychology Majors
By Jeff Gillis What can you do with a psychology degree? That’s a surprisingly common question. While there are obvious answers – like psychologist or therapist – not everyone who majors in psychology wants to go that route. But are there different options? Are there jobs for psychology majors beyond counseling positions? Or, if counseling…
Office Assistant Job Description (Skills, Duties, Salary & More)
By Jeff Gillis One thing is true in all companies; it takes a team to thrive. While CEOs often get much of the glory, it’s the power of their workforce that creates that glory in the first place. And one of the often-unsung heroes in that workforce is the office assistant. What’s one thing all…
Top 18 Best Jobs for Math Majors
By Jeff Gillis Math may be one of the most complained about subjects around. For some, looking at numbers and symbols is nothing but headache-inducing. But, for others, that isn’t the case. Instead, math feels like home. It’s that warm feeling that makes some people choose to become math majors. They want to focus their…
Top 17 High Paying Entry Level Jobs
By Jeff Gillis When you’re taking your first big step into the workforce, you usually want to snag a position that pays as much as possible. While most people assume that entry-level opportunities only offer a pittance, that isn’t universally the case. There are some very high-paying entry-level jobs around. You just have to know…
15 Common Illegal Interview Questions
By Jeff Gillis Most job seekers understand that the hiring manager might ask them something unexpected, or maybe even outlandish. But there are certain questions that do more than catch you off-guard. They leave you wondering, “Is that even legal?” The answer is, maybe not. There are illegal interview questions. Some are banned at a…
Top 18 Best Jobs for English Majors
By Jeff Gillis English majors get a lot of flak. Many people assume there aren’t many career options for professionals with English degrees beyond teaching and writing. But the real question is, is that true? Luckily, it isn’t. While both of those are great jobs for English degrees, they aren’t the only options. In reality,…
Top 18 Highest Paying Sales Jobs
By Jeff Gillis Companies create products or services, hoping that others will spend their hard-earned money on them. Really, that’s the foundation of business. But companies can’t assume that their offerings will fly off the shelves all on their own. Instead, they need a skilled team of quick-thinkers and smooth-talkers to showcase the virtues of…
Human Resources Manager Job Description (Skills, Salary, Duties & More)
By Jeff Gillis At the core of the human resources manager job description is a very simple concept; make sure that a company has the employees it needs to thrive. However, there’s also a lot more to the role than just overseeing personnel matters. In many cases, the human resources department assists with hiring, compensation,…
Top 15 Highest Paying IT Jobs
By Jeff Gillis When it comes to in-demand skills, technology-related capabilities are almost always at the top. Information technology (IT) plays a critical role in nearly every industry, and many companies struggle to find the talented pros they need. Many of the highest paying IT jobs require incredibly unique skill sets. Professionals with the right…
Top 15 Best Jobs for History Majors
By Jeff Gillis Plenty of people are enamored with history. Whether it’s learning about major events or tracking their family lineage, spending time focused on the past is enjoyable to many. That’s what makes studying the subject so appealing. While many enjoy history, many believe the major has limited career potential. Aside from teaching or…