What Are Collaboration Skills? (Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that collaboration skills are essential to your job search and career. Why do they matter so much? Because employers want employees to have them; it really is that simple. In the words of Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning; staying together…
Top 23 Weekend Jobs That Pay Well
By Jeff Gillis Weekend jobs are incredibly popular. Why? Because they are opportunities to bring in extra cash that don’t require a weekday commitment. For some people, that’s a necessity. Plus, many weekend-only jobs pay surprisingly well. If you focus on high-paying opportunities, you can reel in big bucks in less time. So, are you…
What Are Hard Skills? (112 Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis As a job seeker, your hard skills matter. By having the right ones on your resume, you increase your odds of standing out from the sea of other candidates dramatically. But what are hard skills? And how do you choose the right hard skills for a resume? If you’ve ever asked those…
What Are Soft Skills? (76 Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis Most job seekers have heard that soft skills can make the difference between getting passed over and snagging a job. By listing the right ones on your resume and talking about the best ones during your interview, you can separate yourself from the pack. Awesome, right? But what are soft skills? Why…
Top 20 Best Jobs for the Future

By Jeff Gillis Planning your career shouldn’t be about what’s in-demand today. Sure, you need to choose a path that leads to a job now, but you also need to look forward if you want any kind of longevity. Otherwise, you might find yourself out in the cold faster than you’d hoped. But how do…
Top 20 Best Paying Jobs in Energy

By Jeff Gillis If you’re looking for the best paying jobs in energy, you’re in luck. Saying that there are a lot of options is a massive understatement. Why? Because the energy sector is bigger than you might imagine. There are opportunities in a slew of niches, including oil and gas, green construction, renewable energy,…
How to Write a Thank You Email Subject Line (Examples Included)

By Jeff Gillis Many job seekers understand the power of a well-crafted thank you email after an interview. However, a surprising number overlook one important detail: the thank you email subject line. Email subject lines are a critical part of the equation. They let the recipient know what to expect if they open your email.…
15 Leadership Examples for Job Interviews

By Jeff Gillis Hiring managers are always on the hunt for one thing: leaders. Whether the job is a leadership position or not, leadership skills are insanely valuable. How do hiring managers assess your abilities? By asking for leadership examples, of course. The trick is, many job seekers aren’t sure what on Earth they should…
How to Resign from a Job (Step-By-Step Process)

By Mike Simpson Figuring how to resign from a job is a must. Today, practically no one spends their entire career with a single employer simply moving up the chain. Instead, most professionals actually end up in 12+ jobs over the course of a lifetime. Resigning is actually very common in the workforce, too. During…
Top 15 Best Paying Jobs in Finance

By Jeff Gillis A career in finance can be, well, pretty lucrative. Yes, working with money can pay off. But just like any field, some positions pay more than others. That’s why learning about the best paying jobs in finance is so important. Why do you need to worry about the highest paying finance jobs?…